Product Positioning Strategies


Positioning is what the customer thinks about your item’s value, features, and advantages; it’s an evaluation to another available options offered by your competitors. These values will centered on consumer experiences and research, instead of understanding developed by marketing or marketing.

Marketers manage product positioning by concentrating their particular advertising tasks on a positioning method. Prices, marketing, stations of distribution, and marketing all are geared to optimize the plumped for positioning method.

Generally, there are six fundamental approaches for product positioning:

1. By feature or benefit- here is the most frequently utilized positioning method. For a light alcohol, it could be so it tastes great or that it’s less filling. For tooth paste, it could be the mint style or tartar control.

2. By use or application- The users of Apple computers can design and employ graphics quicker than with Microsoft windows or UNIX. Apple positions its computers centered on the way the computer system are utilized.

3. By user- Twitter is a social networking site utilized solely by university students. Twitter is just too cool for MySpace and serves a smaller sized, more sophisticated cohort. Just university students may take part with regards to university e-mail IDs.

4. By product or service class- Margarine competes as an option to butter. Margarine lies as a lowered price and more healthy alternative to butter, while butter provides better style and healthy ingredients.

5. By competitor- BMW and Mercedes usually contrast by themselves to one another segmenting the marketplace to just the crème de la crème of the automobile market. Ford and Chevy need-not use.

6. By cost or high quality- Tiffany and Costco both offer diamonds. Tiffany wishes us to think that their particular diamonds are of the best quality, while Costco tells us that diamonds are diamonds which only a chump will probably pay Tiffany costs.

Positioning is what the customer thinks rather than just what the supplier wishes them to think. Positioning can alter due the counter measures taken in the competitors. Handling your product or service positioning needs that you know your consumer which you realize your competition; generally, here is the task of marketing research not merely just what the enterpreneur feels holds true.


Resource by John Bradley Jackson

Picture of Preston Martelly

Preston Martelly

I help business owners increase brand awareness and get qualified leads using data-driven marketing online. Schedule a 30 mins discovery call to learn more about how we can take your brand to the next level. Book Now!

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