SEO Help – Do You Have a Solid Marketing Plan? – Digital Agencies

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Do you have a solid marketing plan in place?  Are you an SEO agency?  Do you want to be? Do know of the best Digital Agencies? 

In many instances business owners and organized marketers will have a solid marketing plan in place but may lack the necessary resources to generate leads and traffic to convert those leads into sales.  If this is what your situation is, you may want to consider  getting some SEO assistance to see if you can get your business online!

If you are an SEO company who is trying to build a client base of digital marketers, SEO   agencies, or other business looking to leverage the internet and generate leads, how do you entice clients to sign up and switch from print brochures to hardcopy, webpage copy, online communications, or enquiry forms?  There are plenty of extremely talented web designers and graphics professionals who understand very little about search engine optimization, HTML, or anything associated with getting noticed on the internet.  Do you have a web designer?  Is he or she educated in the optimization field?  Is he or she willing to learn?  Or is the web designer something like a used car salesman, who gets paid whether or not clients show interest?

Many web designers are brilliant at making a website look flashy and attractive to clients, but if your website lacks necessary search engine optimization, it will not perform well in search engines.  It is no use having a website built by a designer who avoids optimization.  You want your website to bring in targeted traffic.  Hopefully this article has provided you with some SEO help.

Search Engine Optimization is frequently overlooked by businesses that are eager to perform internet marketing.  This is a huge mistake.  SEO is a very achievable goal, and one that is not only easy to implement, but that is easy to understand.  It is difficult to accomplish, but so worthwhile.  To make your website less difficult to find in search engines, read on for SEO tips, and seek out helpful SEO tips elsewhere on the internet.

Some web designers may tell you that search engine optimization is best accomplished by using “SEO-friendly” programming code that can be added to your website without much effort.  This is true.  But this is also something that can make your site stumble and not convert to profits as quickly as you would like.

You have probably heard of the term “search engine friendly” when purchasing a website.  But this is only what some web designers call it.  What exactly is search engine friendly and how can it help your website in the least?

The answer to this question is that search engine friendly simply means that your site is conforming to the accessibility requirements of the search engines.  Search engine friendly describes the technical and non-technical aspects that make a website accessible and useful for search engine indexing.

Non-technical aspects of a web site that make it more accessible to search engines can be the page title, the META description, and the link text of the internal pages.  All of these should provide the proper description and keywords for the web page that you want to be indexed by a search engine.

If you think about it, search engine spiders are just small applications that are intended to mimic the human searcher.  In most cases, human behavior is what the search engine spiders will mimic when they visit your web site.  The title and META tags should reflect that.

The META description should be informative and describe the web page in a way that will encourage users to click on the link to your website.  That text is often used as the description that is displayed in search results.

And yes, even the URL address should be descriptive or else you will get little to no traffic from that site.  Most people find what they are looking for by clicking on the link…or finding it in the URL.

If you follow these guidelines when selecting title and META tags for your web site, you will maximize the potential of your site for search engines and will also receive high-quality traffic from qualified targeted visitors.

Question #10: What is your content development strategy?

This question is only applicable to projects that include content as part of deliverables such as a blog, on-page SEO and web content.

The answer to this question is also important since it will show you how methodical the agency’s approach toward content development is.


Question #11: How will you optimize our content for readers and search engines?

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If you have subscribed to SEO services, or if these are an integral part of another service, look for specific steps the agency takes to optimize content and pages.

These steps can include on-page, off-page and technical search optimization.


Question #20: Why should I choose you as my partners?

Even the most professional and experienced digital agencies may not be the right match for you. Every company is different and your business does not only need experts that are good at what they do, but also specialists that are a good fit.

So, give them the chance to explain why you should consider their services and learn whether they can provide you with a customized plan to help you accomplish your objectives.

Did you choose your partner already?

Great, the next thing to do is signing the NDA agreement. Make sure you read everything well and agree to what your agency has provided.

However, if there is anything that you don’t like, don’t hesitate to ask for any adjustments.

After you sign the contract and your project starts, make sure you are always there for your business partners. Be responsive and ask them to include you in the strategies they create for your brand.

What’s more, you should also ask your partner to provide you with monthly analytical reports. That way you will get an insight into how well your brand is improving.

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Question #5: How do your digital experts stay up to date with the latest trends?

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Asking the potential candidates how they stay in line with current trends will show you whether they are actually aware of the latest changes and opportunities in digital marketing.

And, you will also understand if they will incorporate them in their strategies to fit your unique needs and help you compete better in the market.


Question #1: Where can I see your clients’ reviews?

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While trolls are the reality of today’s day and age that no entity is safe from online, most client reviews tend to be detailed and value-packed.

These can tell you more about the agency’s core strengths, their work ethic, people and even give you tips on how to make the most out of your collaboration.


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Question #3: How many clients are you currently working with?

It is important to understand how many projects the potential candidates currently manage. If they have an excessive amount of work, they may not be able to dedicate a lot of time to meet your objectives.

This doesn’t mean that you should avoid working with large agencies.

Enquiring after their resources and capacities will merely help you get a better understanding of how hands-on you can expect your partner to be.


Question #4: Do you outsource your work?

Some digital agencies in the United States outsource certain projects to designers or developers abroad to achieve a lower cost of services or to compensate for the local talent gap.

Knowing more about the agency’s operational setup will help you understand how various factors like time zone difference, language barriers or cultural differences can affect the success of your partnership and project delivery.


Question #6: Do you have any credentials?

Certifications and accreditations can be a good indicator of an agency’s competence in terms of certain practices or tools.

It is quite standard that an SEO agency would have Google AdWords certification or certified experts, for instance.


Question #7: How do you manage your projects?

Project management can be a complicated process. Digital companies cope with different tasks, from planning and executing their strategies to measuring success for a multitude of clients.

So, to be able to deal with deadlines and deliver what they promise on time, they usually count on the help of productivity tools and clearly defined processes that help them stay on track and perform effectively.


Question #8: How often do you communicate with your clients?

The reality is that your budget will usually dictate the communication frequency with your partner. However, it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t regularly reply to your emails.

In fact, the contact person would be available at all times during working hours and the company should send you reports on activity and results continuously.


Question #9: What makes a digital campaign successful?

A digital agency can offer various types of services, from digital marketing to development – each of which has its own KPIs and success metrics.

For instance, the success metrics for an SEO campaign are organic sessions, keyword rankings and conversions.

To measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns, on the other hand, you should look at various KPIs like engagement, reach and leads.


Question #12: What types of ads do you run?

There are so many different advertising options that digital experts can leverage to strengthen your online presence. However, running paid campaigns means spending extra money.

Your partner should be able to suggest the best options to incorporate to meet your objectives without breaking the bank.


Question #13: How do you get quality backlinks?

This question is relevant if you are thinking of employing the agency’s SEO or, specifically link building, services.

One of the best strategies to improve search engine rankings is having a sufficient number of links of outside domains that point to your website.

However, with the aim to deliver better success to clients, some agencies incorporate black-hat linking techniques that may lead your website to get penalized.

So, make sure the partner you hire focuses on the best practices that will bring you success in the long-term.


Question #14: What social channels should my company have profiles on and why?

Every business should establish a social media presence. However, you should only have accounts on the platforms where your audience is.

The digital agency you hire will make market research and identify who your target group is and which social channels they use. Then it will let you know which of them to prioritize.


Question #15: How do you measure success and which metrics do you track?

Every professional company should track project success. Looking at different metrics like website traffic, SERP rankings and returning visitors not only tell you how well your brand is performing but also how effective the strategies that your partner uses are.

Ensure the digital specialist provides you with meaningful reports, but remember that the right metrics depend on your business goals.


Question #16: Are my expectations realistic?

Sometimes businesses get disappointed by their partners because they set up expectations that are too difficult to achieve or that may take a long time.

To ensure these candidates don’t make promises they won’t be able to keep, simply ask whether your goals are possible to be achieved.


Question #17: How long will it take for my business to see results?

Be aware of digital firms that promise instant results. Branding and marketing efforts are typically based on outbound methodologies which means that it may take some time until you get the desired outcome and return on investment.


What is a digital agency

 A digital agency is a company, which provides consulting services related to digital and online marketing. Examples of digital marketing services include paid search optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing

Which is the best digital marketing agency

There are many digital marketing agencies. Some agencies are more qualified than others. The companies that are most likely to give you the best marketing services are those with a proven track record.

What do digital agencies offer

A digital agency offers the use of digital marketing tactics to increase a business’s brand awareness and generate more revenue.

Picture of Preston Martelly

Preston Martelly

I help business owners increase brand awareness and get qualified leads using data-driven marketing online. Schedule a 30 mins discovery call to learn more about how we can take your brand to the next level. Book Now!

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